Accessing Gaussian#
If you require access to Gaussian, please contact us asking to be added to the Gaussian group. Your request must include the phrase:
I agree to abide by the licensing conditions for academic use and citation as published by Gaussian Inc. and which may be varied from time to time.
Our licensing agreement with Gaussian Inc allows for the use of their programs ONLY for academic research purposes. It is not permitted to use the software for commercial development or software application being developed for commercial release is permitted.
In addition, it is not permitted to compare the performance of Gaussian programs with competitor products (i.e. Molpro, Jaguar, etc).
The source code CANNOT be used or accessed by any individual involved in the development of computational algorithms that may compete with those of Gaussian Inc.
The source code or binaries CANNOT be copied or made available for use outside of The University of Leeds.
Our license agreement with Gaussian, Inc. requires that all academic work created using the Gaussian package cite the use of Gaussian.
The required and proper citation information may be found on the Gaussian
website at:
Program Technical Support#
The most recent version of the Gaussian manual, which has detailed explanations of the program options, a range of examples, and instructions regarding scratch file saving, memory allocation, running in parallel, etc. is available at:
Initial setup#
To set up Gaussian, at the command prompt, enter:
module add gaussian
Two versions are available on ARC4, and you can select a specific version as below:
module add gaussian/G09.D01
module add gaussian/G16.C02
Using Scratch for Temporary Files#
Gaussian uses the environment variable GAUSS_SCRDIR to write scratch files during its run. Normal Gaussian runs will be undertaken on the compute nodes. If you do not specify this variable, files are written to /tmp which can quickly fill up, causing problems for you job and other users. If you’re wanting to use fast local disk you’re better off using $TMPDIR by adding this to your submission script before running g09:
For details on how you request more local storage, see our page on local storage.
Sometimes, the Gausssian temporary files can be large and the $TMPDIR directory will not be large enough. In this case we advise setting the GAUSS_SCRDIR to a directory on /nobackup instead:
export GAUSS_SCRDIR=/nobackup/your_directory
As /nobackup is a parallel filesystem it should offer better performance than other network drives on the system although this will be slower than using the compute node ‘scratch disks’.
When jobs finish, please delete any scratch files since they can consume a considerable amount of disk space. In general, the only scratch file necessary to save from any given Gaussian job is the .chk file (for restart purposes). Other scratch files, such as read-write files ( .rwf ), integral files ( .int), and second derivative files ( .d2e ) need not be saved. Automatic deletion of all files but the scratch file is easily accomplished by appropriate placement of the following command in the link 0 section of the Gaussian input file (its use is described in detail in the Gaussian manual):
Running the code#
Examples are shown and tested using g09
but likely will behave the same with
Launching on the login nodes#
Gaussian can be launched by entering g09 on the command line followed by the input filename:
g09 inputfile
Only very short runs should be launched on the login nodes. Compute intensive runs should be executed through the batch queues (see below).
For further information on the usage of Gaussian, please consult the Gaussian online documentation.
Launching through the batch queues#
To run through the batch queues, construct a script requesting the resources required for the job. It may be appropriate to consider both memory usage and CPU time limits for the job.
A sample script follows:
#$ -cwd
#$ -l h_rt=1:00:00
#$ -l h_vmem=1G
module add gaussian
This will request 1 hour of runtime on a single processor with 1GB memory.
Running in Parallel (Distributed Memory)#
Whereas parallel runs of Gaussian using the method above are limited by the number of CPUs in a compute node, it is also possible to make use of a larger number of CPUs across distributed nodes by using the Linda parallel execution environment.
This requires adding some additional instructions to both the job submission script and the input file.
Submission script for ARC3:
#$ -V
#$ -cwd
#$ -l h_rt=30:00:00
#$ -l nodes=2,ppn=1,tpp=24
#$ -N
# set prefix to be your input filename
# prepare a valid MACHINEFILE and set it to be used:
echo "%LindaWorkers="`awk -vORS=, '{print $1}' $PE_HOSTFILE | sed 's/,$/\n/'` > ${prefix}
cat ${prefix}.com >> ${prefix}
export GAUSS_LFLAGS=' -opt "Tsnet.Node.lindarsharg: ssh"'
# run Gaussian 09
module add gaussian/G09.D01
g09 < ${prefix}.com
This will set up:
A 30hr runtime job
Using all the cores on 2 nodes
The corresponding link 0 section of the input file would therefore be:
# opt freq ub3lyp/lanl2dz scrf=(solvent=water) geom=connectivity
Note that:
Managing temporary files#
Gaussian creates large temporary files in the $GAUSS_SCRDIR. If you find yourself having to use a directory other than $TMPDIR, then to prevent this directory filling up, it is best to clear it out at the end of the run. An example script which runs Gaussian, then clears the temporary files is:
#$ -cwd
#$ -l h_rt=23:00:00
#$ -l h_vmem=1G
module add gaussian
export GAUSS_SCRDIR=/nobackup/$USER/gaussian-temp
Using Gaussview#
Gaussview is installed for the preparation of Gaussian input files and viewing of output. It is only available with g09, and is not included with our install of g16.
It may be better to install this application on a local workstation, rather than viewing the graphics over the network.
An X-server should be running on the local machine & your SSH connection should have X11 forwarding enabled to use the Gaussview GUI. Documentation for gaining ssh access to the ARC systems is in the web pages that describe how to login in from each of the 3 main operating systems - How to connect and log on to ARC3/ARC4.
Note the X-server needs to have 3D OpenGL extensions, most Linux/Mac X servers will have this functionality, however older versions of Exceed may not support this. Gaussview appears to work with Cygwin X-server, but has made Xming crash. ARC3 also has X2Go installed and this handles X-Windowing so that normally it provides a smooth images/animations with a no lag between frames and handles graphics communications without producing errors to your shell.
Launching on the front end#
The Gaussian module sets up an alias to Gaussview gv:
Note for macOS users#
Gaussview does not work via X forwarding for macOS users using XQuartz 2.7.11 and will cause an error such as the following to appear:
libGL error: No matching fbConfigs or visuals found
libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast
[xcb] Unknown sequence number while processing queue
[xcb] Most likely this is a multi-threaded client and XInitThreads has not been called
[xcb] Aborting, sorry about that.
gview.exe: xcb_io.c:259: poll_for_event: Assertion `!xcb_xlib_threads_sequence_lost' failed.
To resolve this problem you will need to uninstall XQuartz 2.7.11 and install an earlier version XQuartz 2.7.8 (Click here to download the .dmg file). You will then need to run the following command in your macOS Terminal (Not on ARC):
defaults write org.macosforge.xquartz.X11 enable_iglx -bool true
You should then be able to open gview over X forwarding.
Launching through the batch queues#
If your use of Gaussview is compute intensive, you are encouraged to submit it as an interactive job to the batch queues. The following line can be used for this:
qrsh -V -cwd -l h_rt=1:00:00 gview
This will ask for 1 hour of runtime.
Launching Gaussian jobs from within gview#
This is possible, however you are encouraged to save the gaussian input file and submit the job to the queues via the command line.