Rules and Regulations for using Aire#
HPC systems are shared systems and support many users simultaneously. There are tools and protocols in place which allow the different tasks from different users to co-exist on the one system, but they aren’t 100% bullet proof. You are required to use the appropriate tools and protocols we offer on the system and to ensure that your programs don’t misbehave by interfering with other work. You are also required to ensure that your runs are efficient and make good use of the resources. We will terminate, without warning, runs which do not meet these criteria.
Occasionally we will ask you to modify your usage, or to not run certain tasks which cause issues. We appreciate your co-operation in this and will try to help you find ways to avoid the issues. If you find a colleague causing issues, please advise them and contact us so we can help. Please be considerate to your fellow users and the community as a whole. We reserve the right to disable your access to Aire without warning if we perceive you are causing problems. We will normally try to contact you beforehand.
In exceptional circumstances when required, we reserve the right to access and/or modify any of your files on the system. While this is not usual , it may be necessary to do this for example to resolve a system issue.
Ensure that you have a valid e-mail address and that you monitor it when you are running work. This will be the normal way we, and the system itself, will communicate with you, especially of there are problems or errors occurring.
The HPC service is not intended for processing sensitive or personal data. In general data which has been de-identified (eg the names have been removed, so that an individual cannot be identified from the data) can be used on the system. If in doubt, you should seek advice.
Personal or sensitive data must not be stored on the system.
HPC Acknowledgement#
When you publish research papers, or make posters or presentations at conferences and the like, we ask that you give credit for use of the service. The following sentence is appropriate in your acknowledgements:
This work was undertaken on the Aire HPC system at the University of Leeds, UK.